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Basic Enhance

Basic enhance includes upgrading Normal to Legendary Equipment.

Item to be Enhanced - Indicates on what item is currently going to be enhanced.
Enhance Button - Button to click to enhance item. Note: VIP 3 = no cooldown time.
Accelerate - The accelerate button uses 1 Speed Card to remove cooldown.
Quick Degrade - Degrades equipment and returns part of beli used.
Success Rate - Indicates the success rate to be enhanced. 1 Enhance Protect is used when 100% enhance check box is checked.

The auto function is used to automatically upgrade equipment. Note: Used mostly by VIP 3 and up, but can also be used by using Speed Cards. WARNING: Speed Cards are used not "Leap Cards"

Input the number of times you would like to upgrade the item. You may also use the enhance protection function, but spending 1 Enhance Protection Card per enhancement.


Upgrade in the enhance tool is used to add "Stars" which increase the stats given of Divine equipment

Item to be Upgraded - Indicates on what item is currently selected.
Material - Indicates what item is to be used to upgrade the selected item.
Requirement - Indicates the number of items to be used to upgrade the selected item by 1 star. Note: Items that are used have to be the same quality.
Example: 1 Blue Divine needs 1 regular Blue item of the same type (Armor, Cloak, Weapon, etc.)

The items needed to add stats to the selected item increases per level.
1 star = 1 material/level
2 star = 2 materials/level
3 star = 3 materials/level
4 star = 4 materials/level
5 star = 5 materials/level
6 star = 6 materials/level
7 star = 7 materials/level
8 star = 8 materials/level
9 star = 9 materials/level
10 star = 10 materials/level

Start Button - The Start Button is what is used to initiate the upgrade.

Remember only DIVINE equipment can be upgraded with the use of none divine items. Upgrading an item is with a 100% Success rate. :D

Ancient Enhance
Ancient Enhance could be very confusing at first, but let's break everything down to help us better understand the full function of it.

Item to be unsealed
This area indicates the ancient weapon/armor to be unsealed. There are currently 2 ways to obtain an ancient weapon.

First would be through in-game events.

Second would be through SAD "Divine Evolution".

This recipe calls for:
2 pcs. 5 STARRED Legendary Weapons (Obtainable through enhance Upgrade)
5 pcs. Divine Essence (Obtainable through Resolving Divine Equipment. P.S. Low chance and in-game events)
10 pcs. Golden Star of Four Blue (Obtainable through Resolving Legendary equipment)

These are the items you will need to unseal the ancient weapon and gain their bonus upgrades. You will need 10 pcs. of these with every "unseal" attempt.
These are obtainable through:


SAD Synthesize


Seastone is one of the items that you will want to have. These things are very valuable and can save you a bunch of time and gathering.

This item is obtainable through:



Bonus Stats and Demon Seed
These bonus stats give your companions a huge boost due to the extra damage, hp, crit, etc. given by a single item.

Demon Seed's and reputation is used to change the bonus stats given by the ancient item.

These are obtainable through:



Ancient Enhance Upgrade
This area works exactly the same way with the normal "Upgrade" enhance area.

Ancient Star
You will need to use Ancient Stars to give your piece of equipment an upgrade.

Star variation is accordingly:
1 star = 1 Ancient Star
2 star = 2 Ancient Stars
3 star = 3 Ancient Stars
4 star = 4 Ancient Stars
5 star = 5 Ancient Stars
6 star = 6 Ancient Stars
7 star = 7 Ancient Stars
8 star = 8 Ancient Stars
9 star = 9 Ancient Stars
10 star = 10 Ancient Stars

These are obtainable through:
In-game event prizes 

SAD Synthesize

Ancient Gem Socket
Ancient Gem Socket is specialized in allowing players to socket "Living Gems" into equipment.

But before we get excited about our gems, we need to know how to socket it in.

GEM Areas
These areas are the slots where players are allowed to socket the Living Gems. You will need to purchase each slot with GOLD. The price of each slot increases as each slot opens.


  1. ancient enhance????and merge gem no socket??

  2. Sorry, but I can't provide full information on that yet as to us not having access to the equipment yet. We're going to make the Merge Gem, but still don't have access Ancient Enhance. We will work on it as soon as we have the stuff needed for making the guide. :D

  3. Hello! About the Divine Evolution in SAD, where to makes Ancient Gears: Brillant Divine, Legendary Divine, and Epic Divine; do I have to have 2 EXACT same gears, same quality stars: for example, Muramasa 5 stars + Muramasa 5 stars.

    What I'm trying to ask is that, if I want to make an Epic Divine sword, do the 2 required 5 star gears have to be Muramasa only, or it could be Muramasa -- comine with Apocalypse?

    Hope this doesn't confuse you. :D

    1. you need 2 murasama 5 stars, or 2 apocalypse5 stars, dont work 1 murasama 1 apocalypse ;)

  4. its possible to create ancient gear with last sad level?

  5. and not use divine synthétise of course :)
