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Guild Contribution Points

Here's a quick guide on how to earn Guild Contribution Points using the "Pirate Harbor".

Here's another way to earn Guild Contribution Points

Click on "Contribute" and input the amount that you would like to contribute. *Note: 1:10,000 BELI

Guild Skills

Guild Skills are additional bonuses for players who are members of guilds.

*Note: Only the HP% is currently working.

Members may purchase these skills with the use of contribution points.

The Max level of these skills depend on your guild level. 

*Note: The skill level of your Guild Master does not affect the skill level of members in the guild.

If your Guild Master has all skills at Level 5, other members would still have them at level 0 if they haven't upgraded yet.

By leveling up your guild skills you will gain a little extra edge over the people without a guild.

Let's take a level 35 Hatchan without any gear.

As you can see in the 1st picture, Hatchan has a bonus HP of 2800 from the handbook.

In the 2nd picture you have Hatchan with a bonus HP of 2846 from the handbook and the Guild Skill.

*Note: The higher the HP the higher the bonus (add gear to increase bonus stats)

Guild War

The guild war starts at Saturday 01:00 PM GMT+0 (1 hour after Faction War)

Any member of the guild may register their guild for the guild war.

Guild members may also encourage their guild to get bonus damage during the Guild War.

*Note: Guild War fights earn 10 - 20 Guild fortune per fight.


  1. Uhhhh nice, those bonus are useful :) Thanks for the information

  2. can you explain the guild war system a was a bit confuse how to do it , just sign up?

  3. Any info about how to get honor from faction war.....

    1. Sorry for the late response, but here you go. :)

  4. thanx for read and answer people question and or request

    1. No problem, I'll help as much as I can with the info I get. :)

  5. The guild war buff from winning only works in pvp right(faction war, arena)?

  6. it works on all actually, but I haven't seen the emblem lately. :(
