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The SAD can be used for many functions. This will be very useful for players in the long run.


The Resolve area is used to break down equipment to be replaced with Sythesizing materials. The higher the level of the SAD machine through Upgrade, the more materials will be produced.


The Sythesize area is used to create equipment. The materials needed vary depending on the rarity of the item being created. The mutation rate indicates the chances of the item to become a DIVINE item.

Stabalizer and Mystic Potion

Increases the chance of an item to mutate.

Increases the success rate of the item creation.


The Upgrade area is used to level up the SAD machine. The higher the level of the SAD the higher the level of items that you can create.

Red Exotic Alloy can be found at the Path of the Strong Level 30 Fight.
Golden Exotic Alloy can be found at the Path of the Strong Level 70 fight and PotS Level 30 & 40 Chest.
Diamond Exotic Alloy can be obtained in Events and the Gold Shop
Companion Synthesize

The Companion Sythesize area is used to create higher tier companions.
You need to combine 4 companions of the same tier to get 1 companion of the next tier.
1 Superior companion = 4 level 10 companions
1 Elite companion = 4 level 15 companions
1 Brilliant companion = 4 level 25 companions
1 Legendary companion = 4 level 35 companions

Currently found companions in Synthesis:
Akainu Aokiji Bepo Brook
Ceasar Fake Luffy Franky Jean Bart
Jinbe Kidd Nami Error Mihawk
Moriah Perona Rock Chopper Sanji

Divine Evolution 

The Divine Evolution area is used to create a divine item 1 tier up. 
2pcs 3 star Divine Knight boots will get you 1pc 0 star Divine Water Dragon Boots. Note: The success rate is at 100% :D


  1. Ty for all the instructions :) This is helping me so much

  2. what are slags from? That you get from failure? They seem useless yet you get them from the 500g monthly chest as well as top explore.

    1. Slags are used for synthesizing "Legendary Gear" at a level 3 SAD Machine. :)

  3. ty for replying. Usage doesn't really mean anything right?

  4. Maybe the resolve function should include information about when you get extra stars of four blue? lvl 21 +1, lvl 45 +2, lvl 60 +3 and so on? I always enhance everything to lvl 21 before resolving, since this gives more stars and allows me to craft more legendary items (and then later more epics).

  5. Maybe in the Resolve category you should also include that you get +1 star of four blue for a lvl 21 item, +2 for a lvl 45 item and +3 for a lvl 60 item (maybe higher you get +4, but anything past lvl 21 is not worth it anyway, costs too much and takes too long for each item at that point). I always upgrade items to lvl 21 myself to get more stars.
