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Event Gift Tree

Past Events:

Players collect or buy snowballs to be able to have a go at the event.
Players may refresh the Gift Tree using 1 snowball to reset the tree.
Players earn Lucky Points by clicking on multiple gifts which require the usage of more snowballs.
1st Lighting, consumes 0 Snowball, will randomly obtain 0 Lucky Points;
2nd Lighting, consumes 2 Snowballs, will randomly obtain 20 Lucky Points;
3rd Lighting, consumes 4 Snowballs, will randomly obtain 40 Lucky Points;
4th Lighting, consumes 6 Snowballs, will randomly obtain 60 Lucky Points;
5th Lighting, consumes 8 Snowballs, will randomly obtain 120 Lucky Points;
6th Lighting, consumes 10 Snowballs, will randomly obtain 150 Lucky Points.
This give players a total of 31 snowballs for 390 Lucky Points

You can use Lucky Points for purchasing the available Gods at the event.
Snowballs are priced at 50 GOLD per piece.


  1. Got to the 6th lighting but can't claim the star at the top. Any idea why?

  2. Sorry about that, I need to change the information as they have already changed the system of the Tree. I will update this ASAP. :)

  3. Zoilo Bernal tu est administrateur sur OPTD ?

    1. Sorry, but I'm not part of the administrators. I'm just a regular player like you guys. :)

  4. Hey just wondering if you knew the difference between God Boa and Empress Boa? Also other gods like God luffy and ace wondering if you know anything about them. Any information would be great :)

    1. Well from what I actually know, God Boa and Empress Boa have different PvE and PvP skills. God Boa has a larger AOE in her PvE than Empress Boa. God Boa is a Thunder Lord type and Lover' Empress Boa is a Death Wink type.

      As for God Ace and God Luffy, they both excel in PvP. On the PvE side, they both have extreme DPS, but the rage cost is 28 for Ace and 26 for Luffy. I would put them in my PvP team if I have them.

      Sorry if I can't provide full information on them yet, but I hope this helps. :)

      I'm actually just making this guide as I get the companions and stuff, I'm a VIP 3 player and can't really spend much on the game(Student allowance sucks -_-) LOL!. :D

    2. No worries that actually most of what I was after for them anyways so thanks for that :) Dam sounds rough man. Luckily i've been working since highschool so I can splurg a little on the game haha.

  5. someone know how to use ancient essence i got 2 but dont found how to unseal i have demon seed and seastone but nothing help
