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Warriors World

The Warrior's World contains various activities where players may receive rewards for completing various tasks.

The Path of the Strong
- Requires Captain Level 20

Treasure Cave
- Requires Captain Level 20

- Requires finished Chapter 1 & 2 


  1. For the "Path of the Strong," have anyone beats Crocodile (a lvl 70 path), yet? If who did without using "Ancient Gears" please gives us some tips.

    Just wondering why they make it so hard?
    Do they expect "us" to beats a boss that have 3k atck, 666 speed attack, and 500k HP, especially a lvl 70 boss path?

    1. Well, i can beat him since a few weeks.
      I'm Lvl 78, ~30k attack, ~212k LP.
      I don't have any ancient gear.

      Tip is difficult. I used a companion with "Judgement of Hell" as first one with increased skill-rate to reduce crocodiles skill-use (He uses his one very very often). And than try it as often as possible.
      I need usually 5-40 tries to beat him.

      Well, they expect you to become a VIP (I'm not) and i think than its easy to get better equipment. ;-)
      Best example: Recently "Captain-Trial"-Event.
