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Superior Companion

These companions have a PvE and are really not that helpful after passing the first 20 stages of the game. They come in different classes with the same picture and different names. There are some exceptions like getting famous characters from the show. 

Here are the faces of the most commonly seen faces in the Taberna:

Some of the names found are:

Albion Daisy Isabella Miss Golden Week Rapanui
Alnia Delacuaji Islewan Momonga Rica
Amazon Dias Isoka Moodle Rindo
Annia Disco Jinbe Morbran Cricket Rose Mary
Avenia Dolly Jiro Morbran Crix Roxanne
Bacura Doma Jonathan Mounblutain Salome
Bear Skin Rug Doughty Jube Mr1 Shakky
Belladonna Dr. Nako Kappa Mr2 Shyarly
Bench Edmonsa Kasagoba Needless Slamsen
Blondie Elmy Kaya Nerine Slolita
Bluejam Enel Kobato Nero Sodom
Bobly Enel Kodama Nora Gitsune Surume
Boo-Jack Epoida Kumashi Odama Sylvis
Buhichuck Gaimon Lacuba Okome Tamago
Byron Girarin Leopard Oliver Tansui
Caribou Gomorrah Lina Packy Terracotta
Caroline Gyaro Lion Richie Palms The Risky Brothers
Chabo Hammond Macro Peppoko Tomato Gang
Chiqcheetah Harol Madaiski Peterman Torant
Cobra Heppoko Makino Pey Toroya
Cocoa Holy Manjaro Poppoko Turco
Coribou Honey Queen Mashikaku Porchemy Vigaro
Corto Hyozou Mavalitski Pukau Welton
Corto Ian McGuy Ramba Willy
Cosmos Ikaros Much Melody Ran Winfield
Yurikah Yuda Yokozuna

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