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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tip #4

Gems, Gems & Gems!

Gems a very crucial part of PvP and small part in PvE. 
Small part in PvE due to the fact that only "Attack Gems and Range Gems" work in PvE.

Gems in PvP could be the difference between a set of companion strength.

Well let's get started! 
First off let's start with showing you guys the different types of Gems.

Attack DMG Skill Damage Skill Trigger HP % Hit %
Dodge Crit Chance % Crit DMG Attack Speed Range

Currently there are 10 types of gems, these gems can be utilized in each character depending on their PvP skills.


We have companions with PvP skills that are used to debuff their enemy.

*Note: They are arranged in priority. Why? Some people use Red gears which have only 3 slots, so the arrangement will be from left to right on which has the most priority.

Debuff PvP Skill

Suggested Gems:

HP Gems - More HP = more chance to survive!
Skill Trigger - You want your debuffer to cast their skill or they will be totally useless.
Attack Speed - You want them to be as effective as possible, and I also noticed that the more times they attack, the more chances they get to trigger the skill.
Dodge - Of course you would want to dodge! Debuffers should be able to dodge a couple before casting their skill on the enemy.

Crit and Accuracy PvP Skill

Suggested Gems:

Hp Gems - More HP = more chance to survive!
Attack - This is very useful when it comes to this type as it increase the maximum output damage.
Crit DMG % - Since you'll be hitting a lot in accuracy and you'll have a higher Crit Chance, why not put this gem? :P
Crit Chance - This one goes more on the Accuracy type, but can still add higher output to the Crit Type.
Dodge - Most characters with this skill will really need to dodge if you're opponents have a lot of hit%. *Note: Match appropriately with your Warship Flags.

Thunder Lord and Giant Fist PvP Skill

Suggested Gems:

HP Gems - More HP = more chance to survive!
Skill Trigger - Since these characters rely highly on their skill, of course you're going to want them to be able to cast it more.
Skill Damage - This is almost like a no brainer. More Skill Damage = MAXIMUM DAMAGE!
Attack - Attack of course will increase the maximum output of the skills damage when it finally hits.

Coke and Attack Speed PvP Skill

Suggested Gems:

HP Gems - More HP = More Regen for Coke users and I can't stress this enough MORE HP = MORE CHANCE TO SURVIVE!
Attack - This one goes mostly to the ASPD type, as more attack brings out more damage due to the number of times your companion will attack.
Skill Trigger - Bread and Butter of Coke Skill users! ASPD users will have an awesome time casting their skill a bunch of times. LOL!
Hit % - Since these two rely mostly on their normal hitting damage and skill casting chance, you will need to hit your enemy more.
Dodge - This one only comes out if you think your Warship Flag isn't fit enough for the job.

Well that's how I put it in my companions, you can adjust it to the way you want it actually, but these are just the suggestions I could give to you guys. Peace out! Good Luck and Enjoy! :D


  1. which category includes those? thx

    1. Sorry I've been extremely busy with school work, but I would include those three in the Skill Trigger category. Chinjao's skill is extremely useful when triggered a lot. Hawaii Brook is decent, but not as strong. Most of the Zodiac choppers have nice PVP skill especially Gemini Chopper as it has the same effect with Coke users with the additional buff. I hope this helps. :)
