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Treasure Cave

The Treasure Cave is where you will find various items like Gear, Gear Shards, Beli, and Leap Cards, Ancient Weapon Essence.

Day - The day in which treasure cave you can challenge.
Reset - This is used to reset the number of challenges you have for the day. Only VIP 1 or Higher may reset their challenges.
Become Vip - This button redirects you to the VIP widget which shows the privileges of becoming a VIP.
Formation - This is the area on which allows you to choose what level of the days dungeon you may challenge. 

*Note: The higher the level of the dungeon you challenge the better the prizes.


After defeating the dungeon once at their respective levels you will have access to the "Blitz" function. The Blitz function allows you to challenge the dungeon without having to go through the whole battle all over again. 

*Note: The number of items won through blitz is also random.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Items Found
Armor Gear or Gear Shards & Ancient Essence Helmet Gear or Gear Shards & Ancient Essence Boots Gear or Gear Shards & Ancient Essence Cloak Gear or Gear Shards & Ancient Essence Weapon Gear or Gear Shards & Ancient Essence Beli & Ancient Star Shards Leap Cards & Ancient Star Shards

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