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Normal Companion

These companions don't have any skills and are really not that helpful after passing the first 20 stages of the game. They come in different classes with the same picture and different names.

Here are the faces of the most commonly seen faces in the Taberna:

Some of the names found are:
Alexia Jelin Papaneel
Amelia Jemery Peckley
Balis Jew Wall Penguin
Bao Kagikko Rebecca
Belino Kaku Right
Bimine Kaku Rosas
Boss Kakukaku Sabas
Bruce Kalifa Seira
Caroya Kevin Shachi
Chimney Kilton Sora
Dogers Lambert Spider Mice
Enishida Left Spoil
Enjoo Louis Arnote Taroimo
Fabre Lulu Tilestone
Fuzz Mantley Victoria Cindry
Gallon Maria Napole Wiger
Gatherine Marumieta Yamenahare
Happa Mero Yoko
Hiramera Mr. Genyu
Hoe Nin

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