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Disclaimer: This blog is not associated with the actual game at for any technical concerns please contact them directly. Thank You.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Hello Peeps,

I just want to apologize for my inactivity here in the blog. I didn't have electricity for 4 days because of a storm that hit here in the Philippines. Again my deepest apologies. I'll get to updating the blog again as soon as I get things back together. Thank you again for your continued support in visiting my blog and sharing it to other people. I really made this guide for people to have their unanswered questions about the game answered. So one last time "SORRY FOR MY INACTIVITY" . 

P.S. as of the moment I'll be using an internet cafe making guides and videos (My computer is drenched! , sucks I know :'( ), but I am going to save up for a new one! :) 

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