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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Study Time

Hey Guys, 
Just to give you a head's up, I'm going to be taking my exams this week. So I won't be active for the next 4 days. But I don't want to leave you guys empty handed, so here you go.


WARNING: Living Gems can only be equipped on ANCIENT equipment!

First off, what is a Living Gem? 

A living gem is a special Gem that gives the initial stats of a gem and bonus HP. The higher the level of the gem, the bigger the bonus, but the higher the merging price. *Note: GOLD is used in merging, not BELI, GOLD!

Main Gem - This is the gem you would like to turn into a Living Gem. *Note: Only Level 5 gems and above can turn into living gems.

Sacrifice - This area is used only for the sacrifice gem, as of the moment only the Yellow RANGE Gem could be used as a sacrifice. *Note: The yellow gem should also be at least Level 5.

Gem Output - This area shows the resulting gem before actually merging. (The success rate is 100%)

Advantages of a Living Gem?
Like I say most of the time. MORE HP MORE CHANCES OF SURVIVING! :D

Disadvantages of a Living Gem?
Hell of expensive! Cost's GOLD "Literally" and a lot of Beli for higher leveled gems.
(But even with all this said, still something I would want to have if I have an ancient weapon. LOL :P)

I hope this helps you guys, Good Luck! and Have Fun! :D


  1. Thanks, it's helpful!

    When i'll make lvl 5 living gem, how can i upgrade it?

    1. HI,
      you can actually upgrade it normally through synthesizing it, but it would be a lot better to just level up a regular gem to the level you want and turn it into a living gem. Living gems can be from level 5 - 10 gems + 1 Lvl 5 Yellow Gem + GOLD (higher depending on gem level).
      Hope this helps! :)
