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Friday, October 2, 2015

Tip & Tricks


  1. how to use ancient essence

    1. Ancient essence are used in unsealing ancient weapons. Haven't really tried unsealing one yet, but according to what I found, you're going to need the actual ancient weapon, demon seed and the essence of the weapon or armor. There is also a chance of failing the unsealing. I'll make a guide when I actually get it too, but I currently don't have access to it yet. :D

  2. do you know anyway to gain deveil fruit other than by event a got one this way but that all

  3. As of the update, that's the only way that we can get the fruits. Sadly money is power in the game. :(

  4. Hey, do you know any tricks to get red shards? I always get blue shards via map's waves. But I wonder if red shards can be find too.
    And one more, always got divine shards on elite instances. I just want the original shards to synthesize yellow gear.

  5. Hi,
    Yes there is a way to get loads of red shards. You can get red shards starting from late chapter 4 until chapter 7 in regular pirate battles.
    For Yellow shards the only ways that I know of are from Elite Fights Chapter 5 to 7 and Treasure Cave Hard, Nightmare, and Hell levels.

    I hope this answers your question. :)

    1. Yeah it does.. Thank you.. ^^
      So far I collected 7 Gods companions.. What I need now is a lot of super gears. I'm still lvl 48 and fighting around Alubarna Palace
