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Monday, September 21, 2015

Hey guys,
Recently I joined the new server, Server 21. I'm going to get as much info on the new characters as soon as possible. So it's going to take some time, but if you guys have something you want to know or for me to add on the website, just comment on this post or send me up an email at I'll keep you guys posted on the progress and thank you again for supporting the website! You guys are the best! :D

1 comment:

  1. Big pile of luck to you )

    1. Handbook. Working & bugged features, work mechanic (stacking stats of several crew etc.)
    2. Devil fruits (most of all about merge & inherit)
    3. Ancient armor (source & upgrading)

    P.S.I asked you to change my nick on wall of thanks by email few days ago, may be you missed it
