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Monday, September 7, 2015

Tip #2

Enhancing (Gear Level)

Your gear is your life in both PvE and PvP.

The first example would be the effects of enhancing on PvE.

As you may see in the video a single enhance of an additional 8 Damage will increase the maximum output of your PvE skills damage.

The first PvE shown displayed how a Level 60 Muramasa would affect the damage of the skill.
The skill damage starts out at 15233, then 15293, and finally 15353.

The increase is an additional 60 DMG for 8 DMG from the weapon.

*Note: Attack is the only way to increase damage of PvE skills.

The next example goes to the PvP side of enhanced armors.

In the video you will see that despite the number of Gods the opponent has the one with more Gods lost. This is due to the fact that the equipment of the opponent has less upgrades which then is the factor for him losing the fight.

Another factor is the total damage of the team. Even if you only have a certain number of usable characters, as much as possible fill up the team to get the extra bonus damage.

As much as possible try to maximize the level of your gear to match your companions character.

Gear Stars

The stars of your gear is another important thing to look at. This is due to the fact that the star quality of an item can greatly affect the damage and stats given by the gear.

As you will see in the picture above the Attack damage of a 10 star Divine Sandal Kitetsu compared to a 0 star Divine Muramasa is a difference of 212 Attack damage

Why would I use a Sandal Kitetsu in place of a Muramasa?
Reason #1: Sandal Kitetsu Shards are way easier to get than Muramasa shards.
Reason #2: Red gears are easier and cheaper to craft in the SAD.
Reason #3: More damage with higher output.

Well you get the point. Hehe. :P

Okay so now here are the stat bonuses of the Stars.

1 Star = 5%
2 Stars = 10%
3 Stars = 15%
4 Stars = 20%
5 Stars = 30%
6 Stars = 40%
7 Stars = 50%
8 Stars = 65%
9 Stars = 80%
10 Stars = 100%

How does this work?

To make it simple let's take a piece of equipment that has a total damage of 100:

1 Star Equipment = 100 ATK x 5% or 100 ATK x .05 = 5 + (100) = 105
2 Star Equipment = 100 ATK x 10% or 100 ATK x .10 = 10 + (100) = 110
9 Star Equipment = 100 ATK x 80% or 100 x .80 = 80 + (100) = 180

So as you can see even without an item being enhanced the total damage output will be a lot higher than the initial value.

Well that's TIP #2 for you guys. Hope this helps you in your journey! Peace Out! :D

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