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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Tip #3

PvE Tower Type & Positioning

As you may have noticed just like any other tower defense game there are multiple types of maps that require different strategies on passing them.

Since I don't really know what to call them, I'll just call them how I see them.

Here's a video on the different types of towers or you can checkout our Training page for more info.

Now let me tell you my choice of the "type" of towers to put. *Note: This is applied to all maps :D

Snipers = Catapult Type
Doctor = Thunder Controller
Sailor = Marksman
Navigator = Ice Controller

Here are some example of the different types of maps. *Note: I'll just give them a name.

1st type: Single lane (outer)

This type of map is usually the easiest to handle as to having the characters set in the outer areas of the map.

Suggested Positioning:
Snipers and Doctors in front with Sailors and Navigators at the back portion.

Suggested Units:
4 - 5 Snipers/Doctor
1 Sailor

Reason: Sailors and Navigators are just the cleanup crew at these types of maps.

2nd type: Single lane (inner)

This type of map is a bit confusing when it comes to positioning characters due to the range and ability of the tower to target selected monsters.

Suggested Positioning:
Snipers and Navigators together and Doctors and Sailors together.

Suggested Units:
4 Snipers/Doctor
3 Sailors
1 Navigator

Reason: Actually this are one of the easy ones, so you just really need to have enough DPS at the front and a strong DPS at the back area to kill monsters that survive the front area.

3rd type: Multiple to single lane (outer)

This type of map takes a little more strategy to keep DPS(Damage Per Second) on a certain amount of monsters.

Suggested Positioning:
Sailors and Doctors in front and Snipers and Navigators at the back.

Suggested Units:
4 Snipers/Doctor
2  Sailors
2 Navigators

Reason: Snipers and Doctors are put at the back in this type of maps due to them having AOE attributes. The Snipers and Doctors are also able to group stun and AOE damage them at the single lane area.

4th type: Multiple to single (inner)

This type of map takes a lot of positioning and skill choosing to pass these maps.

Suggested Positioning:
Sailor's and Navigators in front, Snipers and Doctors at the back.

Suggested Units:
4 Snipers/Doctor
2 Sailors
2 Navigators

You will need the Navigators and Sailors in the front to lessen the HP of the monsters before reaching the Snipers and Doctors.

5th type: Single to Multiple (outer)

This type of map is easy at first but can be harder.

Suggested Positioning:
Snipers and Doctors at the front and Sailors and Navigators at the back.

Suggested Units:
4 Snipers/Doctor
2 Sailors
2 Navigators

Reason: Snipers and doctors are the AOE types and are more useful in the entrance area. You will need the Navigators to slow and Sailors for faster DPS on mobs that got passed the Snipers and Doctors.

6th type: Single to Multiple to single (inner)

This type of map requires good positioning of the towers.

Suggested Positioning:
Snipers and Doctors in front and Sailors and Navigators at the back.

Suggested Units:
4 - 6 Snipers/Doctor 
1 Sailor
1 Navigator

Reason: By putting the snipers and doctors in front, you get as much DPS on them ASAP.

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