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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Special Thanks

Hey guys!

Just here to give an update on why it's taking a bit longer than before in the updating. Well I've been kind of busy with school work. I'm doing my best to update the website for you guys, and will continue as long as I have extra time. Sorry if I can't add yet the new Legendary characters that you can get from server 18 to 20. I don't really have the funding and my blog doesn't have adsense, but I will make use of the first donation I ever got of  "$1", it may seem small, but it keeps me motivated to keep this up! Thank you Josh Erl! :D

I also would like to thank all of you people who are visiting my blog! Thanks for your continued support in viewing and using my blog as a guide for you guys! I appreciate it! More power to you guys! :D

Zoilo Bernal

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