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Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Hey Guys,
I've noticed that there are a lot of you asking me ways to get stronger in this game. Well i'm not particularly that strong yet, but I do have some tips that might help you get to enough strength to match the other players. I've decided to give out some helpful tips to both Non-VIP and VIP players, well mostly to the Non-VIP.

Tip #1: Training
For Non-VIP players the training limit is up to 4 characters.
I would recommend training at least 2 companions to be ready for "Companion Synthesis" through the SAD.

If you would refer to this EXP list the crucial points are Level 25 and Level 35

4 Level 25 Elite companions make 1 Brilliant companion.
1 Level 25 Elite companion (7500 / 1200 = 6.25 "12 hour Training") so that's 3 1/4 days to make them reach level 25.

4 Level 35 Brilliant companions make 1  Legendary companion.
1 Level 35 Brilliant companion (15,500 / 1200 =12.91 "12 hour Training") so that's roughly 7 days to make them reach level 35.

Note: By the time you get to Chapter 4 and 5 you'll mostly have access to brilliant companions like:

By the time you reach these chapters, you'll have an unlimited supply of brilliants to make legendary companions! I recommend using the "Quick Fight" feature in the map to get these characters after you've completed their stages.

My setup looks mostly like this.

By setting 2 Brilliant companions and 2 Elite companions I get to have at least 1 Legendary Companion a week and that's a SURE legendary.

I recommend that you use Leap Cards to get your Gods or Legendary characters stronger.

Well that's 1 tip for you that I do to make my characters reach the "God" stage.
I hope it works well for you guys! :D

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